So here is a picture of a long past adventure:
This was a beach adventure with some South African friends we met here. Pebble beach is arguably one of the better beaches I have been to here. No fine white sand - as is the norm on this island - but big pebbles. Lot's of them. They give great colour and texture when the light is right and the water hits them. In fact, I got some sweet exposures that day, including one of my favourites:
I was once a functioning pipe, but I'm not too sure what it's function was. It did lead into the ocean, but WHO WOULD WANT OCEAN WATER? Perhaps, this is where water was originally pumped into the ocean; this is highly probable, considering the archaic look of the thing.
Actually, a more probable hypothesis is that it may have once pumped water out of the ocean. Considering its decrepit state, and the fact that there is a colossal hole in it - as colossal as holes get in pipes - this would explain the rising sea levels we are experiencing lately. Forget melting ice-bergs, those theories are outdated; only mad men would believe in such radical arguments.
I may be... I am correct in my hypothesis, but for the life of me, I still cannot figure out why anyone would want vast amounts of NaCL water. Anyone out there got any ideas?
On a side note - (!!!! BRAINWAVE !!!! - I will get back to this later#$%@) - I am sitting here between two Macbook Pro's. Gah, one serves a graphic designer and the other a writer. I'd like to comment on the most persausive attribute to the Macbook's of late by making a simple observation.
I have been here for the past 2.5 hours. Both Mac's have been here for as long, or if not longer. The difference between me and them: They don't have a robust power cord weaving through chairs and floorspace to the nearest outlet. Their batteries must be self-sufficient or something. Maybe they do actually last 10 hours.
I think it suits the fact that my blogs have an atmosphere of randomnity to them. (RANDOMNITY IS A WORD - I SWEAR THE DICTIONARY IS WRONG!)
Hamba Kahle :)