Monday, July 26, 2010


I am here to write a blog...
I am here to write a blog...
I am here, to write a blog...
I am, here to write... a blog.....
Where am I? I'm at Starbucks... My interenet is down at my house, so here I write a blog. As one of the three followers I have might know, I have not updated this in quite some time. I can not make the excuse that my internet is down, because here I am, sitting in Starbucks, writing my blog, without breaking much of a sweat. It's something I should have been doing regularly.
Right... so... life as I know it now is something like this (for those of you who care): I am working fulltime at the Butchart Gardens. If I am not working, I am out on an adventure somewhere. I rarely spend time at home besides an hour before and after I sleep. Adventures can be anything from photogging around with someone, to carving up unknown territory somewhere, to trekking down to starbucks to catch up on things.
...Oh right, I don't have much time to do this because I procrastinated earlier on flickr and in a couple of moments, I will be leaving to play some ultimate Ultimate-Frisbee.
On the subject of flickr:

I figured out I can do THAT!
(that is, copy and paste html... no big deal)

For those three established readers I have, enjoy... For those people that read this whom I know, that have told me, but have not actually legitimized their relationship with my blog... GET ON IT! You can expect some beefier posts in the future...

It's always great to know who reads this thing. Most of you out there that follow this from Fakebook have a gmail account and can comment/add my blog to their cyberlife. So why not? As well as that, I encourage you all to write a blog... We can be blog buddies... It would be SWELL.

Oh yes, photo Info...
The shot of me taking a photo was obviously not taken by me... It is marvelous, and I stole it from Kristina K... there is no messing around when it comes to her and her pictures. She is also too lazy to post it on facebook, so I took the liberty of doing it myself.
The other one is what I saw through my camera a few moments later...


Happy? (to those who have been urging me to do something about my blog)

I am...

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