Well that's a misleading title. Today we dissected a pigs heart; mine was certainly - hopefully - not on the tar smeered dissection tray. My heart was not infact near broken as it has been well kept after lately...atleast I hope so. If a pig could keep such a healthy heart, and considering it is the closest thing to a human heart I ever wish to hold in my hands, then I think I will be just dandy.
On the topic of posting a picture everyday - wow... Tough to do when you're too busy to upload, or you've been too busy to take a good picture during the day, so when you can upload, there is nothing to upload; in other cases, your siblings might hi-jack your computer.
I've recently decided, somewhat, that this blog goes out to whoever comes across it/whom ever I let know about it. No secrets will be kept here, just me, rambling on about whatever it is that may have interested me in the day... You can choose to like it, or hate it... or "you", so to say, may not exist and I may forever be blogging to an abyss of no-one-ness.
I feel like adding a few things to each blog post. Maybe i'll start a trend with.. well.. myself.
I have words that hover in the haze of my thoughts all day. A single word, for each day. Sometimes they come from no where, rarely, they're made up, and more than likely, they're weird and I heard them subconsciously...
Todays word of today:
well, today I didn't have one, and unfortunately I can't remember the other ones because I did not blog them. I will put an end to that by blogging more frequently. (attempting to, atleast.)
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