Yes, that is a beer bottle, a very large one indeed. If you're wondering why this is of any significance - because, ya'know, gargantuan beer bottles are commonplace in the modern public - this picture was taken at my school. Given that, this may raise even more questions for you; Beer brand? I don't know myself, but I could inform you truthfully that the eyesore of a metal structure holding the beer bottle in place is a new addition to the school. It is reinforcement for any seismic activity that may occur in Victoria.
As I understand it, I am now living on a fault line, something a South African is not familiar with, and after a year and two months of being connected somewhat to the ground, I am still not familiar with an earthquake. My mother claims to have been woken up by them multiple times which is perfectly reasonable, as I have been known to sleep in my tent through a pride of lions bellowing territorial roars which can be heard a staggering 8 kilometers away. Suffice to say, minor tremors have not yet factored into my life...at least in my conscious reality.
Rumour has it that Victoria is expecting a major earthquake. It comes every odd century or so and we're long past the average interval. Will it happen? Will it be my first experience with moving ground? More importantly, will the bottle be removed before the earthquake hits, and if not, will the bottle support the metal giant, or shatter into an array of filtered light, projecting it's flying shards of stained glass upon the school grounds?
Location: Back Courtyard of Claremont Secondary School.
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